26 February 2013

Geek Out Your Workspace

If you're like me, you like to be constantly around things that make you smile, bring back good memories, and put you in a fun mood.  Sure, your house is probably filled with things that give you comfort, but what about your work space?  Is is fun and inviting, or plain boring?

Here are some great ideas to help you transform your work space from boring to geektastic!

Bring a bit of your collection from home.
Whether it be books, some of your Star Wars action figures, or even a few of your My Little Ponies (admit it, you have at least one!) deck out your desk with a few of these reminders of home.  I have a love for owls, so my classroom theme this year is owls.  I brought a few from home, and before I knew it, my students had fun adding to the collection bit by bit, so I have a fun verity.

Bring in an electronic picture frame.
I have a very nice one on my desk that scrolls through pictures of my wedding day.  My students love it, and it is a wonderful reminder to me of how much I love my family, and how blessed I am!  You can fill it with pictures of your vacations, of your friends, or that special someone in your life.

Get a fun geek poster.
Because owls are the theme in my room, I had this printed out as a large poster behind my desk: 
Doctor Who and owls!  Winning combination!  

If your work allows posters, there are some fun ones out there.  I love these:

Find some fun geeky office items.
I love ThinkGeek.com!  They have so many fun office items.  I'll just feature a few I'm in love with!

Get the perfect mug!
There are SO many fun mugs out there!  Find one that expresses your fandom and keeps you caffeinated   Here are a few from ThinkGeek that I love.

Have fun with your work space, and before long, you'll find arriving to work every day will be a lot more fun!

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