04 May 2013

Thoughts on Doctor Who Season 7.5 and Clara Theory

Many fans have not liked this half of this season of DW, but I have been loving it so far!  Clara is a great character and gives just the right about of cheekiness to the show.  She is smart, kind, and very thoughtful, and reminds me a lot of Rose.  Now I wish to share my personal theory of the mystery behind Clara Oswin Oswald!

I have read a lot of theories on other sites, and after watching and rewatching this season, I have come up with my own ideas. The following are my observations, which lead me to my conclusion: Clara is the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan.

1. Clara is clever.  When we are first introduced to Susan in "An Unearthly Child" this is the first thing we are told, that she far exceeds her fellow in academics.  When we are first introduced to Clara in "Assylum of the Daleks"  this is the first thing she tells the Doctor.

2. Clara's introduction is a episode with Daleks.  Of of Susan's first adventures that we see was on Skaro with the Daleks.

3. Clara carries a red school satchel that looks like its from the 60's.  Susan carries the same bag in "An Unearthly Child."

4.  The Doctor takes Clara to November 23, 1963, the day after Kennedy is shot in the book "The Shroud of Sorrow."  The first episode of Doctor Who aired that same day.

5. Clara wears an Aztec Eagle necklace.  Susan traveled back to the time of the Aztecs in the episode "The Aztecs."

6.  Clara can read Gallifreyan.  (SPOILERS!) When she found the book "The History of the Time War" in the Episode "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" she was able to read it, if we assume it was not written in English.

7. The Doctor took Clara to Akhaten, a place he had taken Susan in the past.  (Episode "The Rings of Akhaten.")

Okay, now I'm going to get weird on you.  I think that some how Clara is also related to Rose and 10.
1. Susan's name in Gallifreyan is Arkytior which means Rose.
2. Clara got the Doctor's number from a lady in a shop.  Rose used to work in a shop.
3. The Doctor tries to teach Clara how fly the TARDIS in "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS."  Rose is the only other companion I am aware of that the Doctor has felt comfortable enough to show how to run parts of the TARDIS.  No, River doesn't count, she's part Time Lord and the TARDIS showed her how to fly it.

I could be completely off base, but those are my thoughts.  I'll be watching some of the original episodes soon to see if there are any other signs that this might be true.

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