16 December 2013

Day of the Doctor Review

I know, it's been far too long since I last posted!  I had originally planned on posting this a week after it aired so to avoid spoilers for those who did not watch it right away, but life gets in the way, as it were!

The whole tone of the episode was set right from the beginning with the original opening title sequence and the nod to the first episode with a nearly identical opening showing Trotter's Lane and a policeman.  I love that it was revealed that Clara has moved on with her life and is now a teacher.  As a teacher myself this was very exciting! I also believe that she is a history teacher, which is funny because she used to hate history.  However, what else would you teach if you had all of time and space to travel in?  She'd be the best history teacher ever!

The Doctor and Clara's relationship has also moved forward, and they are not so weary of each other, but true best of friends, which was lovely to see.  Kate Stuart coming back in this episode was brilliant!  I know I wanted to see more of her.

The twist with Billie Piper not playing Rose, but Bad Wolf, was also excellent!  As much as I would have fan girled if I had seen Ten and Rose back together in an episode, it would have taken away from the rest of the show.  And as always, Billie was a gem on the screen, and I think her banter back and forth with John Hurt was wonderful!

Oh then there is the magnificent performance of John Hurt.  After this episode, you just ache to see him play the Doctor again!  He just fits in the mythos so perfectly.  I do like the explanation they gave for him, and I think it works excellently with the story line.

Seeing David back as Ten did my heart good.  However, that sad, sad hair...So many things I could say about the hair... but I digress.  He and Matt Smith played off each other brilliantly.  It was like watching to best friends poke fun at each other, and so much that they did was "yes! I have been waiting to see that for years!"  It was every fan fic writer's dream come true!

There were a few things that I felt the episode lacked, and that was the Zygon plot almost felt like a sub plot and not wrapped up at the end.  I also felt like Clara was left on the back burner all episode, as if she really was JUST brought along for the ride, which was sad, because so much more could have been done with her. It would have been nice to see her interact more with Ten and given her more of a purpose for being there.  It was definitely a far cry from the "Impossible Girl" we've seen all season.

The ending, however was spectacular, and left me crying, right from the appearance of Tom Baker, up to the closing with all the Doctors.  Absolutely astounding!

What was you opinion of the episode?  Did they get it right or was is lacking something? Pop me a line, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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