21 February 2013

All of time and space...where do you want to go?

A blog is a curious creature.  I had been contemplating on starting one for some time now, and now that I sit here to begin, I'm not sure where to start!

There is a perception today that being geeky is cool, and that pleases me to no end.  However, you have those who are wannabes, jumping on board the bandwagon as it were, stating that they are geeky to all they meet, but I assure you, they will jump on board the next bandwagon that passes by.

Being a geek can start at any time, but for most, it starts at a young age--a favourite movie watched a hundred times or more that can be quoted from start to finish usually is a sign at a young age that you may have a potential geek on your hands.  Reading from the dictionary or encyclopedia just for recreation is another sign of budding nerdiness.  I blame my father for my geekiness.  As a child I would curl up on the couch with him and watch Star Trek: TNG with him for hours on end.  He even gave me quite a few of his classic SciFi books (yes it's SciFi, not SyFy, that is the unfortunate name for a rather cool cable channel).

He also introduced Tolkien's The Hobbit to me via audio book as a child.  So I was destined to geekiness from a young age, much to the dismay of my mother for years!  At the age of 13 I discovered Star Wars when it was re-released to theaters back in the late ninety's.  I lived and breathed everything about Star Wars right up to my college years, when Lord of the Rings took its place inside my heart as well.  My poor mother thought it was a phase I would outgrow when I left the house.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

I met some lovely people just like me, and we had so many adventures in geekdom!  I learned how to Role Play, what a D20 was, the depth and breadth of Anime, and what ROMS were (Donkey Kong Country was my favourite).  Ah my world was widened.  I did at that point realize that I had one problem, and perhaps this was cause for my mother's concern--I possess what can be called an obsessive personality.  This meant that I would spend all my time, energy, and focus on one thing at a time, and it wasn't something I chose to balance with my school work until my junior year of college.

After college, I married my best friend.  That is a whole other geek story in and of itself, which includes DeLoreans, Star Wars, and Twilight (yes, we're TwiHards).  He is the most wonderful, godly man I know, on top of being a major geek as well!

Then there was Doctor Who.  That was my father's fault once again.  He had introduced the Doctor to me as a kid, and he and I would catch random episodes of the rebooted series when I would come home from college.  All of time and space was opened up to me through the Doctor, and I haven't stopped running with him since.  Of course there's Sherlock as well, which my husband and I share a love of as well.

Today, I am a Christian School teacher, sharing my love of the Lord with them, as well as all my geekiness with my students.  They are such a joy!  Now that I have become an adult, I have leaned to balance my geekiness with everyday life, keeping in mind a quote from the Doctor "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." The Bible also speaks of doing things in moderation (Philippians 4:5), which my father often reminded me of growing up, and I live by now. 

As you read this, you are most likely wondering what will you see on this blog.  Well, to be honest, it will be a little bit of this and that!  Things that will give you your geeky fix everyday!  I hope you have as much fun as we start this journey as I will!


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