07 November 2013

Your Essential Guide to Attending a Con

As I gear up for NCcomicon this weekend, I thought I would share some tips and ideas for getting ready to attend a con!

1.) Prepare you costume in advance.
There is nothing worse than running around last minute getting ready to attend an event.  If you know you have a con coming up, think about what you want to wear in advance.   You don't want to be running out to Walmart or Good Will last minute the night before or on your way to the con looking for an item to complete your cosplay, it's way too stressful, and you'll find that you just simply won't enjoy your time at the con as much.  Also, last minute could also lead to disaster when it comes to shoddy costume construction.  It's heartbreaking when  you spend time on an outfit and it just doesn't come together the way you had hoped.  When you give yourself plenty of time, you also a low yourself time to prefect your costume by working out all the kinks.

2.) Get plenty of rest the night before.
You're going to have a big day just having a blast, and I know you're excited, but if you haven't slept, you won't have as much fun.  So, eat a good dinner the night before, relax on the couch, and lay out your cosplay before you leave home so you ensure you don't forget any elements.

3.) Bring cash
Not all vendors have card machines, because frankly, they're just as poor as you might be and it cost many much moolah to have a card reader.  So if you want to make purchases, having cash handy is a good way to go so you're not running to an ATM later and spending more to take the cash out.

4.) Bring a bag
You are going to find treasures at the con, so be prepared to carry them around by bringing a bag or back pack.  I always opt for something my character I'm cosplaying as might have, but no one will judge you if you are carrying around your knapsack.  This is also essential if your cosplay doesn't have pockets.  When I cosplay as Clara Oswald, she only wears dresses, and few of her outfits have pockets, so her red satchel is essential for me.

5.) Make up
This goes for everyone!  If you are in cosplay and you had to apply make up that morning, you should bring things to touch your face up.  Don't feel you have to tote it around everywhere, you can keep it in your car.  Just having it is good in case you eat a messy lunch and need a touch up or get into a fight with an orc for a photo shoot and your make up gets messed up.

6.) A change of clothes
After a while in costume, you might get hot, or just tired of being in costume. You did your photoshoot with the other Trekies, and you're tired of the spandex jumpsuit, now you can change and relax and not feel so uncomfortable.  Having a change of clothes is great too in case something happens to your cosplay, and you can't fix it.

7.) Water
You don't want to spend $$ on bottled water can some cons just don't have that many water fountains, and if you get too hot in that Master Chief outfit, you are going to need water if you get dehydrated.  Bring a water bottle of your own and re-fill it throughout the day.  This will save you $$ and keep your from passing out!

8.) Have fun, and be safe!
Attending a con is about having fun.  Just be safe and be aware of others around you.  If someone is harassing you or making fun of you, report it and avoid them at all costs.  Remember, cosplay is about having fun.

Those are my quick tips to having fun and being prepared for a con!  I'll have pics up after this weekend to share!

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