27 February 2013

Cool Find of the Day

Do you collect dolls?  If you don't, you might want to when you get a look at these geektasic dolls!  Created by Robert Tonner, TonnerDolls.com carries dolls sculpted in the likeness of many pop culture icons and movie characters.  Here are a few of my favoutite out currently.
I own their Basic Bella and Turn Me Bella from Twilight as well as the Tenth Doctor.  I also repainted one of their dolls which has become my Rose Tyler from Doctor Who.  They are very collectible dolls, but you'll have to save up your pennies like I did, as they run from $159.99 for Ralphie to $199.99 for Bella.  It's worth it, as they only make a limited number of each doll, and their value really doesn't depreciate much if you remove them from the box, as they are meant to be enjoyed to displayed.
Don't have the cash to shell out?  Barbie has come up with Twilight and Hunger Games dolls which also are intended for display, as they come with stands and certificates of authenticity.  They are very nicely done, and the price point is much better at $18.90 on Amazon for their Katniss Everdeen and $65.95 for their Bridal Bella.

I have both of these dolls, and I must say, I love Katniss!  She has a lovely face, much like Jennifer Lawerence's, very poseable, and the detail to her outfit was well thought out.  Bella has grown on me over time, though, she doesn't look a thing like Kristen Stewart   Her dress is another story all together.  It blows be away!  They got every detail down! Even her little hair comb is great!  Definately worth the investment if you can.  I also, have the matching groom of Edward Cullen, and he is handsome.  Doesn't look a whole ton like Robert Pattinson, but once again, his outfit is quite detailed.  They both look great with my wedding keepsakes on my hope chest!

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