27 February 2013

Why I Love Being Geeky

I woke up to pouring rain yesterday.  Now, I like the rain, I really do, but what I don't like is having to re-think what I'm going to wear for the day.  I grabbed my nice brown heathered suit jacket and my ladies fedora and headed out the door.  All day long I got grins from students who passed me in the halls when they saw me in my fedora, but it wasn't until later that one of my students started humming the Indiana Jones theme that I grinned back from ear to ear.  At the end of the day as I was heading to my classroom, I heard a shout from behind me of "Doctah Jones, Doctah Jones!"  I turned around sharply  to see that same (rather tall) student running up behind me to catch up.  I couldn't stop laughing for a moment, but when I had finally caught my breath I played along calling back, "C'mon, Short Round!"  To which he continued to babble on in character.

It's little geeky moments like this that makes life so much fun!  My students think it so much fun when I make references to their favourite movies or even quote them.  It makes class interesting, and I think it makes for a more enjoyable leaning environment, as I am aware of the things they enjoy (and who's kidding who, usually what they like, I've been of a fan of it far longer then they have!) and know how to integrate them into a classroom setting.

Some of my greatest memories involve geeky moments with my hubby.  One time, we were in the car and randomly broke out into song, singing a medley of cartoon theme songs that we grew up with.  You don't have to go to Con to have these moments, just enjoy time spent with the geeky ones you love, and you'll find fun memories will shape themselves!

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