22 February 2013

DIY Art with Tea

If you're cleaver and artsy, this is a fun project you can frame in your own Hobbit Hole or TARDIS.  Things you'll need:
         *A monochromatic image on thick artist's paper, such as water colour paper--this can be an original
                  pen and ink sketch you have created or a print from the web.
         *A selection of fruit teas (Celestial Seasonings fruit tea sampler has a great verity if you are in the
                  United States.)
         * Boiled hot water
         *A stiff paint brush

After you have your image ready, boil your water and steep one bag of each in separate cups.  The less water you use, the more concentrated the colour will be. When the water is fully dyed, take your paintbrush and use it to splash the colour at the paper. If you get big drips of colour of the paper, you can lift the page up to let it drip down, or you can simply let it dry that way.  You can also use the tea to colour specific areas such as the balloon in the image of the 11th Doctor below.  Let it dry, matte, frame, and enjoy!

Owl I found on Pintrest (Please let me know if           Tea by Koenigskupfer on Devientart
         its yours so I can give you credit)

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