21 February 2013

John Williams is the Man, and thoughts on Ep 7

According to this article over at SciFiNow.co.uk, John Williams is eager to create the soundtrack to the newest Star Wars installment!  Geeks everywhere rejoice!  I was just discussing with some fellow Star Wars fans what would happen if John Williams were not to compose for Episode 7, who would be best to take the reins?  Hans Zimmer and Howard Shore were two worthy names that came to mind.  Now that we know that he plans on making more epic music, I am getting really psyched for the movie.  Personally, I hope the story line takes place after the Fate of the Jedi series, and that Jaina Solo becomes a main character!  She was always my favourite EU gal, and I would love to see who they get to play her.  (Oooh oooh, pick me, pick me!)  When I was a kid, we'd play with our light sabers in the back yard, my brothers were Jacen and Anikin Solo, I would be Jaina, and our best friend would be Zekk.  We'd play out our adventures for hours on end, and let our imaginations run free.

Thus far, I am quite pleased with JJ. Abrams being chosen to fill Lucas's shoes, and that much of the cast wishes to return.  John Williams coming back, now that tops them all.  Best. Composer. Ever.  John Williams truly is the man!  Don't believe me?  Check this out!

Also, if it ever travels near you, Star Wars in Concert is brilliant!  I took my youngest brother there when it came to Boston a few years ago, and it was absolutely astounding. Here is a look at it:

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