21 February 2013

See yourself in these Specs!

Recently I went on a hunt for a new pair of glasses.  This proved to be a difficult endeavour at first, as I am on a limited teacher's budget.  I tried the usual places, Walmart, the eye doctors, and the local generic eye mart.  No luck.  Finally, I came across and ad on line for a site that had name brand glasses and lenses at discount prices!  GlassesUSA.com. Well....I was a little skeptical at first.  I mean, c'mon, who can do that? But it was true!  I found a lovely pair of Converse glasses (I am a Converse nut) for $108, and they had a 50% discount for first time customers! Huzzah!  Lenses and frames for $54, and free shipping!
No geek's wardrobe is complete without the right frames, that is unless you have perfect vision like my brother....but I won't get into that (grumble, grumble).
And here I am with my new brainy specs as the Doctor would call them!

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