21 February 2013

Cool Finds of the Day

Okay, I'll admit, I was excited when I saw this, even did a geeky squee.  I know I'm bad.  But as a teacher whose desk couldn't be more full of stuff, this would save me SO much space, and look wicked cool at the same time!  This Bluetooth enabled TARDIS speaker makes it's landing sound when paired with a device and comes with a remote to skip tracks.  Now my High School students love listening to music during art class, and this would be just ideal to have at their table!  It is a wee bit pricey at about $250, but if you are a hardcore fan, this is the perfect addition to your collection!

Do you find yourself wishing you had the Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver? I know I wish I had something that would unlock my classroom door with more finesse, our would at least would keep me from looking like an idiot when I fumble with my keys at the lock.  Currently, I have a Sonic Screwdriver torch/flashlight attached to my keys to at make me look a wee bit cooler than I really am, but that really doesn't solve my problem!  Anyways, you can now impress your friends and colleagues with the coolest (and probably most expensive) Sonic Screwdriver ever from the Celestial Toystore!  They have the 9th and 10th Doctor's Screwdrivers, ans just announced the arrival of the 11th Doctor's Sonic soon!  These props are screen accurate, and durable, however, you'll have to shell out $403.31 for this beauty.  Worth saving up for?  I certainly think so!

Wicked cool stuff today, but a wee bit pricey.  Save your pennies for the cool stuff!  See something for the Cool Find of the Day?  Let me know in the comments!

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