28 March 2013

Lights, Camera, Action

I have always wanted to be in a movie, and it's one of the reasons I initially took broadcasting as a major:  I just love film!  And as I journeyed though my college education, I really discovered that not only do I love acting, but I love editing JUST as much! This week, one of my broadcasting students and I were discussing how it would be fun to see a film about the Doctor (of Doctor Who) as a teenager and what school would have been like for him.  I thought this would be a brilliant idea for a fan made video.  He agreed and at that moment an incredible project was born--Doctor Who: Origins.  Initially it started out as just a funny short film that we wanted to create, but as we have plotted out ideas, we realized that we could do several episodes over the summer. We have got most of the casting down already, and the pilot script as well as the opening titles are nearly completed.  I am SO very excited about this, as I've never had anyone else who was interested in making films with me.  I'm not expecting anything on a grand scale, but this will keep my editing skills sharpened  and I'll be playing a role not to far from what I do every day: the teacher!

If all goes well and my husband likes what we come up with, I'm hoping to shoot an original film later on this year with him in it.  We'll see.  He's a wonderful actor, he just needs some encouragement.

Shooting will begin this May, and if you are interested in getting involved in our little project, please message me!  We are currently looking for a second camera person, both teen and adult extras, as well as anyone interested in playing villains.  And who knows, some of the extras may end up becoming regulars!

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