22 April 2013

The Doctor is Back!

So now that the Doctor is back with new episodes, I have been lurking about the net (don't worry, I only connect to access points I recognize :P) and seeing the various reactions to the Doctor's new companion, Clara.  Many people dislike her I have come to see. And while she's no Amy Pond for many fans, I in fact do like her quite a bit.  To me she's a lot like Rose and Amy combined.  She's snarky like Amy, but she's got a lot of common sense like Rose.  I also really like that she's still a bit of a mystery, we don't know a lot about her, but she's still a lot of fun!  I also LOVE her wardrobe.  You can be sure to find me wearing some of her dresses this summer (if I can find them!)

I also find it interesting that the TARDIS doesn't like her.  After seeing The Doctor's Wife, the audience got a pretty neat understanding of the TARDIS's personality, so it makes me wonder if this is a "stray" that she doesn't approve of, that perhaps she knows something her pilot doesn't know?

What are your thoughts on Clara? Do you like her? Please let me know.  No bashing please.

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