22 April 2013

Why Every Once in a While, We Just Need a Fantasy

We're all fans of something in some way, shape or form, and perhaps a few years ago, that was not socially acceptable, but in today's ever changing world, it has become very much the norm.  The word fan is slang for fanatic, someone who is crazy over the top passionate about something.  Many people fall into this definition with their passion for their many fandoms, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, so long as one does not lose sight of reality.  I look at the word fan and see it being related to two other words: fantastic and fantasy. We all need an escape at the end of the day, whether it be a good book, a movie, a hobby, or a game.  This escape is a fantasy, taking us on fantastic journeys to other worlds, new ideas, great achievements.  God gifted every person with an imagination, and He allows us to use it in the most wonderful ways.  There is nothing wrong with telling a good story, even Jesus used stories to tell great truths.  We seek after these powerful stories each and every day.  We want to see the underdog win, the bad guy brought to justice.  And just once, we want to see everyone live.  And live happily ever after.

We can take the elements of fantasy and bring them into our own lives.  When there is something that might be to hard to handle, we use our imaginations to become the hero who defied the odds.  But that hero never does anything alone, does he?  He calls for the aid of others.  God does not allow us to stand on our own, he brings friends and family to uplift us and help us.

Trust in the Lord, and He will uplift you.  He will make you the hero of the story called Life.  No, things will not always be easy, but they never are for the hero.  And more often than not, he doesn't see why certain events were allowed to happen until later in the story.  But trails make and shape the hero so that one day, he can teach the next generation how to be a hero as well.

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